What we do
We all want to live a good life. That is, a life that is good for the planet and the people we share our planet with.
One of the easiest ways to get started is by giving gifts that do good.
Our eco gifts are beautiful & practical.
Our philosophy is first and foremost, to do no harm to people or the planet. Then we choose to do what we can to have a positive impact. That’s when we get the really good feels. Then we know we are nudging the dial towards a world full of optimism, joy and fun for everyone.

We start with people
We ensure that the people making our products are not being harmed. That means ensuring our supply chain has no forced labour and no child labour.
When we can, we choose to have a positive impact on people by working with disadvantaged communities to give them access to market.
Our simple approach to protecting the planet

1. Minimise
Buy Quality. Buy Practical.
If we buy things we love and cherish, are practical and gifts people actually want and will use, we minimise the tat that ends up in landfill.

2. Natural Sustainably Sourced Materials
When our things eventually do come to the end of their life, ideally, we would want them to break down back into their natural components. This causes the least amount of harm to the planet. This means buying things that are made from natural bio-degradable materials.

3. Recycle and Upcycle
Recycling and upcycling are key part of the mix to ensuring we are doing all of the good things. Ideally, the materials we are recycling should also be natural and biodegradable, like glass, aluminium and cardboard. Upcycling, re-working an existing item to make it into something new, is also a win.

Nimmity Zappert | Founder
A little about me
Before founding All of the Good Things, I worked for 20+ years in senior management in software. This took me to Africa, the Middle East, Russia and Central Europe, Scandinavia, Asia and the Americas. I experienced how insanely beautiful our world is; full of marvels – both natural and human made.
Sadly, I was also confronted with reality of extreme poverty in many of the places I visited.
I was also struck by the fragility of our natural world, and how without care and attention, it is being slowly destroyed.
All of the Good Things is my way of sharing my love for this amazing world of ours. I hope to make it easier for us all to care for and protect our planet and the people we share it with.